Sunday, November 6, 2011

Interracial relationships

I'm currently engaged to a caucasian man. I'm the type who doesn't care about a person's skin color. I feel that a man should be judged on his character and the way that he treats a woman. We've been together a total of 32 months. Within that time span I have experienced much stupidity from individuals who so called "don't approve." I feel that it's retarded and people should love who they choose. I wonder will racism ever DIE. I'm so frustrated with the looks that some people give when they see us together.  Our neighbor is the perfect example...she's never taken the time to get to know us. She just frowns and illustrates what she thinks of us being together. I just laugh at how closed minded people are.

I don't feel like I've "sold out." Why should I have to be labeled because I've chosen to love someone who's different from me? Aren't we all different? Even if we're the same race, we still aren't the same. I feel that people should get over it all ready. We aren't the first couple to mix. Hell, it dates back since the beginning of time. People should just get a life and not worry about situations that they aren't in themselves. has no color.

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