Friday, January 27, 2012


Being a virgin is a beautiful thing, no matter what anyone has to say. If you're waiting for marriage or just the right one to come along there's nothing wrong with that. I'm speaking from a female perspective so sorry fellas, I wouldn't be much of a help to you guys. Here are a few things you ladies should know.

1. We know STD's and STI's exist, so practice safe sex.
2. You know you could get pregnant, so educate yourselves on the different contraceptives out there.
3. You are more susceptible to getting bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections. BV is not a sexually transmitted disease.
4. Your bacterial count in the vagina can be thrown off due to spermicides, lubricants & etc. Rephresh gels are great at maintaining proper PH balance of the vagina.
5. It's good to urinate before and after sex.
6. Condoms are not always reliable, they can slip off, so have a backup plan.
7. If you are into anal play, never go from anus to vagina.
8. You can get an STD from oral sex as well as vaginal. So be safe.

These are just a few pointers. Believe it or not, but there are some ladies out there who don't know the first thing about sex, but yet they are trying to engage in it. Become educated and wait until you're actually ready, not because you're being pressured.


Many women are repressed and all uptight. The mere mention of the word sex and they will cringe.  Why is embracing sex such a bad thing? Why do most women feel that it's dirty or wrong?

Don't we all have that "special" feeling and need a sexual healing.  I'm in no way an expert, but I have read my fair share of books, manuals, articles, blogs and even erotica.

I think it is a beautiful thing, but it should be done safely. I'm in no way promoting loose sex,  teen sex or unprotected sex.

Here are ten pieces of advice on doing the dirty.

1. A woman should get to know her body. How can you know what you like unless you explore and find out yourself?

2. You shouldn't knock it until you try it. It depends on the person, only deal with what's in your comfort zone. Don't do anything because you feel pressured.

3. Develop a specialty move. Whether it's reverse cowgirl, giving him a "helping hand," or etc. Learn your partner and what works. There's always that one go to that'll surely knock their socks off everytime.

4. Keep up appearances. Surely, you will have your pony tail and no makeup days. Try not to become so comfortable that you forget that your partner needs eye candy. I'd prefer my significant others eyes on me instead of somewhere else.

5. Try intimacy without knocking boots. Pick a night, light some candles and put on some soft music and TALK. Being intimate is not always about sex.

6. Cater to your partner in every way. They should know that they mean a lot to you and that they are special.

7. Be spontaneous. Don't get stuck in that routine rut.  Whether it's making love in a new place or breaking the traditional restaurant for date night.

8. Have a sex wild card night. This is when you both choose a different scenario. Maybe you could use a black light with glow in the dark edible body paint or whatever comes to mind.

9. Try getting it on at a different time of the day. If you prefer night, try a little afternoon delight.

10. Do foreplay ALL day. This can include dirty texts to each other throughout the day, a love note telling your partner what you're going to do to them when they get home. Be creative, think outside the box.

I will have follow up blogs about sex, love, sexual health and relationship. Stay tuned and tell me what you think.

Black Woman Are Underappreciated

I watch youtube alot. I ran across this video with this black guy who was talking about how most black men depreciate their women.  Also, how most black men expect a black woman to look perfect -- big breast, thin waist, round butt, etc. At first I was like, what is he talking about? I stopped to realize that the guy was right. Alot of men are critical of a woman's body and looks, but i'm specifically talking about BLACK MEN in this blog. **NOTE** I'm talking about MOST BM not ALL. Anyway, I thought back to highschool and all the black guys went for the carmel skinned girls with the light brown, hazel, gray or green eyes. The girls had to have long hair and dress nice with all the current stuff. Most of the guys who went after these girls were ugly as hell.

Look at the rap videos these days, the rappers look like sh*t, and the video vixens are beautiful. I hear how a lot of black men are always saying that black women are loud, we demand too much, our tempers are bad, some of us are fat, our hair can't grow, we are over dramatic and how being with a woman of another race is different and so much easier.

What happened to us being seen as a queen, brave, beautiful and a number of other things? All black women aren't loud and quick tempered. What if we said all black men don't take care of their kids, they are narrow minded thug wannabes and etc? I think maybe the men who are saying that are targeting the wrong women. They need to quit going for what they think is a 10 and look at their own faults. At the end of the day, a big butt sags, beauty fades and a thin waist expands. It's whats upstairs that's going to suffice.

You have men of other races who love the stuff that most black men don't appreciate. The other day, I heard this  guy (who wasn't black) saying that he love's how black women are strong and they aren't afraid to speak their mind. And black men wonder why black women are starting to marry/date men outside their race.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

11 Things I've Learned About Relationships So Far

1. When you first hit it off, you're anxious to see each other.

2. The first date is always nerve wrecking.

3. You spend too much time together. Friends, family & etc. hardly hear from you.

4. The first year together, let's you get to know your mate. One should know what makes them tick, smile, blush, their style, goals, pet peeves & etc.

5.You decide to make a deeper committment -- say like moving in together.

6. You get to see how your partner lives. I think couples should work out a living plan. Us women have to learn how to sleep while he snores, we teach him to sort his clothes and neatly put them away, we try not to complain about dirty socks & gym clothes in the middle of the floor (lol) & so on.

7. Here comes the terrible two's (been together for 2 years). You start to get on each other's nerves. You begin to have your ups & downs. You argue more. They make you sick. Sometimes they may catch you in a bitchy mood and you no longer hide it & vice versa. In spite of all this, you still love each other.

8. You compromise and begin to mature with each other.

9. The arguing slows down and you learn how to approach each other like adults.

10. You make the ultimate committment and get married.

11. Kids, buying houses, white picket fences & gardens are yet to come.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

1st Blog of The New Year

I meant to write something the very first day of the new year but, oh well. I'm writing now. I'm sure everyone is starting their new year resolutions. My main two resolutions are to get fit and to be more patient. I'm getting married soon and what bride wouldn't want to look her best. I'm not only doing it for that reason, it's just so that I can be healthy. I will be in my 30's in the next 5 years. I won't to still be able to kick that weight's butt, before then. I heard your metabolism slows down tremendously. Anyway, enough chatting about that, lol. Already great things are happening and it hasn't even been two weeks into the new year. I'm going to be an aunt again. I know that there's so much in store. Another thing, a friend of mine was invited to her ex's wedding, by her ex. He's marrying the woman that he cheated on her with. He had some nerve, trying to be funny like that. Her ex did her the best favor when he cheated, because it led her to the man who she was supposed to be with. They are married. A word of advice for some people. Never regret the people from your past because they all play a significant role in your life. Whether it's for a season or for the rest of your life. Also, never regret the bad decisions that you've made. Those so called "mistakes" taught you something new. All of the things we do in life and all of the people we meet, help us grow and gain insight.