Tuesday, January 10, 2012

11 Things I've Learned About Relationships So Far

1. When you first hit it off, you're anxious to see each other.

2. The first date is always nerve wrecking.

3. You spend too much time together. Friends, family & etc. hardly hear from you.

4. The first year together, let's you get to know your mate. One should know what makes them tick, smile, blush, their style, goals, pet peeves & etc.

5.You decide to make a deeper committment -- say like moving in together.

6. You get to see how your partner lives. I think couples should work out a living plan. Us women have to learn how to sleep while he snores, we teach him to sort his clothes and neatly put them away, we try not to complain about dirty socks & gym clothes in the middle of the floor (lol) & so on.

7. Here comes the terrible two's (been together for 2 years). You start to get on each other's nerves. You begin to have your ups & downs. You argue more. They make you sick. Sometimes they may catch you in a bitchy mood and you no longer hide it & vice versa. In spite of all this, you still love each other.

8. You compromise and begin to mature with each other.

9. The arguing slows down and you learn how to approach each other like adults.

10. You make the ultimate committment and get married.

11. Kids, buying houses, white picket fences & gardens are yet to come.

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