Friday, January 27, 2012


Many women are repressed and all uptight. The mere mention of the word sex and they will cringe.  Why is embracing sex such a bad thing? Why do most women feel that it's dirty or wrong?

Don't we all have that "special" feeling and need a sexual healing.  I'm in no way an expert, but I have read my fair share of books, manuals, articles, blogs and even erotica.

I think it is a beautiful thing, but it should be done safely. I'm in no way promoting loose sex,  teen sex or unprotected sex.

Here are ten pieces of advice on doing the dirty.

1. A woman should get to know her body. How can you know what you like unless you explore and find out yourself?

2. You shouldn't knock it until you try it. It depends on the person, only deal with what's in your comfort zone. Don't do anything because you feel pressured.

3. Develop a specialty move. Whether it's reverse cowgirl, giving him a "helping hand," or etc. Learn your partner and what works. There's always that one go to that'll surely knock their socks off everytime.

4. Keep up appearances. Surely, you will have your pony tail and no makeup days. Try not to become so comfortable that you forget that your partner needs eye candy. I'd prefer my significant others eyes on me instead of somewhere else.

5. Try intimacy without knocking boots. Pick a night, light some candles and put on some soft music and TALK. Being intimate is not always about sex.

6. Cater to your partner in every way. They should know that they mean a lot to you and that they are special.

7. Be spontaneous. Don't get stuck in that routine rut.  Whether it's making love in a new place or breaking the traditional restaurant for date night.

8. Have a sex wild card night. This is when you both choose a different scenario. Maybe you could use a black light with glow in the dark edible body paint or whatever comes to mind.

9. Try getting it on at a different time of the day. If you prefer night, try a little afternoon delight.

10. Do foreplay ALL day. This can include dirty texts to each other throughout the day, a love note telling your partner what you're going to do to them when they get home. Be creative, think outside the box.

I will have follow up blogs about sex, love, sexual health and relationship. Stay tuned and tell me what you think.

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