Friday, August 10, 2012

Why One Should Love Their Life

Now that I am older, I've come to realize that the struggles we face and the obstacles that face us are all very worth it. I'm about to reveal some things about myself that not many people know.

1. I've slept in a car before.
2. I've had days where I didn't know where my next meal would come from.
3. I've had Christmas mornings with no presents, as a small child.
4. I've been talked about, verbally abused and put down.
5. I've been neglected.
6. I've been broken down to where I wanted to die.

These are a few challenges that happened in my life. During the time when I was going through those problems, I asked the famous question, Why? No answer came to mind. I felt distraught and abandoned by God. I was pissed at the world, myself and everyone who I felt that had something to do with it. I lost myself in writing. I lost myself in reading. I made myself numb to the world and I escaped through words. That's how I found my love for writing and reading.

I now have the answer to the question that I asked. Those things shaped and molded me into the person that I am today. I love myself and my new life. I've pushed myself to be the best that I can be. Life has changed for me dramatically--for the better.  I didn't give up. I now have two degrees, I'm getting married, I have my own place, car, job and etc.

So for anyone who may be going through tough times and you feel that there is no way out. Keep going, keep pushing and think of your self as a piece of wood and problems as sand paper.  It keeps rubbing you the wrong way from all different angles, but in the end you come out polished, beautiful and smooth.

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