Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Been Gone For So Long...

I can't believe I have skipped writing a blog for basically a year. That is so unlike me. I guess a thing called LIFE got in the way. I will try to write more often this year. There is so much to talk about but I don't know where to start.

Recently, I took a small vacation to go visit my in-laws.  We had a good time and I miss them already.  Driving up there was hell!! We were stuck in a blizzard in the middle of Iowa. We had to drive 35mph so we wouldn't tumble off the road. We witnessed at least six cars that did so. The drive was supposed to be 12 hours but, it ended up being 16. Ugh, it was exhausting but we made it.

The highlights of the trip were going ice fishing and to a Timberwolves game. We had the works when we ice fished; a heater, tent, fishing equipment and food. I think I would do it again...although I didn't catch anything. We got the hookup with some incredible seats at the game. We we only three rows from the court.

We attended the game on the last day of the trip. I would say that was a good way to sum it up.

Until next time...

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